COVID-19 Policies and Procedures January 2021
Class sizes will be restricted to number provided by Governor Inslee’s directive per
Phase 1 (1 student per 500 square feet excluding instructor) Phase 2 (five or less,
excluding the instructor) and Phase 3 (TBD).
All instructors and students will wear mask or facial coverings while in the studio.
Instructors and students must maintain six-foot distance between each other at all
times. It is the instructor and student's responsibility to monitor distancing though
if necessary, instructors will remind students of social distancing requirements.
All instructors must wash hands frequently, encouraging students to wash hands
before and after class.
Doors and windows will be kept open where possible and fans utilized to improve
All instructors and students will self-screen for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the
start of each shift or class by reviewing the provided symptom checklist (see
below). Sick instructors or students will be asked to go home immediately.
Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
Have you had a loss of taste or smell?
Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
If a instructor reports feeling sick and goes home, the area where the person
worked will be immediately disinfected.
Social distancing guidelines of at least six feet of separation must be maintained
by every person in the studio at all times to the greatest extent possible.
Students are required to bring their own water bottles and/or equipment.
There will be no loitering in common areas (i.e. cubbies, or water fountains, etc.)
before or after class within the gym during Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3.
Floors and common areas will be sanitized at the end of each class and prior to
the next class.
You may enter the studio no earlier than 15 minutes before your scheduled class/
appointment/session and may remain inside the studio no longer than 15 minutes after.
Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands upon entry.
You must wear a mask for the entire duration of your stay in the studio.
You will maintain a 6-foot distance between yourself and others at all times.
You will remind others to maintain 6-foot distance if they are not respecting this.
You will bring your own equipment for your personal use (do not loan or share). This
includes: water bottles, towels, yoga or any type of mats, mitts and gloves.
After class/appointment/session take all personal belongings and equipment with you,
leaving no personal items in the studio.
Questions? Ask an instructor or email
Each of us plays an important role in keeping our studio open and safe during this
phase! Thank you for your attention and patience.